luni, 13 februarie 2012

Ingerul meu salbatic..

Partea feminina din sufletul meu a iesit la suprafata in weekendul ce tocmai s-a incheiat. Ma refer la acea mica parte ce iubeste telenovelele. Am cautat videoclipuri pe youtube cu Thalia. Eram curioasa cum mai arata si cum mai canta. Asa am ajuns la Natalia Oreiro si asa am ajuns la prima mea iubire: filmul Muneca Brava, sau Inger Salbatic asa cum s-a numit in Romania. Asadar de vreo 3 zile stau si ma uit la parti din episoadele serialului mai sus mentionat. Este prima mea telenovela in care am trait episod de episod alaturi de protagonisti toate intamplarile. Au trecut prin mine toate feeling-urile posibile si imposibile. Am plans cu ei, am ras cu ei, am visat si am sperat alaturi de Mili si de Ivo. Eram pur si simplu fascinata de rebela Milagros (Natalia Oreiro) si de frumosul Ivo (Facundo Arana) pe care si acum il sorb din priviri. Este atat de frumos si de senzual baiatul asta..
Este o poveste atat de plina de pasiune incat te face involuntar sa visezi cu ochii deschisi. Mi-aduc aminte cum "salivam" cand ii vedeam impreuna si cum radeam cu ei cand se tachinau pe holurile grandioasei vile. Eram o pustoaica in '99 cand s-a difuzat in Romania dar nu ratam nici un episod. Saruturile lor incendiare ma faceau sa cred ca sunt un cuplu si in viata reala. Jur ca nu am mai vazut asa saruturi prin telenovele.. Of, ce frumos.. Daca esti fata si cresti cu astfel de filme, normal ca ai asteptari mari de la viata... Normal ca astepti acel print care arata ca Ivo si normal ca vrei sa ai parte de o asa poveste de dragoste.
Zilele acestea voi lipsi cu desavarsire din blogosfera. Am de revazut 270 de episoade din telenovela copilariei mele.
Aaa da, daca nu aveti ce face, va recomand cu caldura sa va uitati. Episoade online din Muneca Brava (Inger Salbatic) gasiti aici (din cate am vazut sunt cu subtitrare in limba romana)

Ideea filmului spusa de altii:
"Solitude" is the name of the big mansion owned by the Di Carlos. And it's also solitude what lies behind doors and walls, in the cold dining room where the family gathers for dinner, along the silent corridors, and mainly in the old mistress's bedroom, from where only weak footsteps can be heard at dawn. Federico Di Carlo and Luisa Rapallo's marriage basically aimed at two purposes: it enabled Federico to keep the economical and social leadership of his family after going bankrupt and save Luisa's honor. Just a few characters will carry on their shoulders the heavy burden of that secret; a secret that binds them...and confronts them. At the convent, Milagros keeps joyfully playing her mischievous pranks. As Mother Superior would say "Milagros is essentially roguish. She looks like a boy and is mad about soccer". The priest of the parish, a well known supporter of Boca Juniors Football Club, has called her "Cholo", after a famous Argentine player of the 60's. Milagros shows to have the sports knack although many a times she may clumsily kick her opponent's leg when scoring a goal. Milagros also loves dancing and very often runs away from the convent to enjoy the popular balls in town together with one of her mates. Dancing is like paradise to her; she dances and laughs, laughs and dances. That's how she meets Ivo, a young man who will find it difficult to associate that cheerful and beautiful young woman with Cholo, the girl who disguised as a boy can sell cold sodas in the soccer fields and stamps in the streets. Ivo and his father have a construction company. One Saturday morning, he and his friend Bobby head to a nearby soccer field to watch a game. Ivo feels thirsty and approaches a boy who's selling sodas. Needless to say that the alleged boy is Cholo. "Give me one, please...How much is it?". "One you are", answers Mili. Ivo takes the paper glass and replies "Thanks, Cholo..". Mili gets so upset that she splashes the content of the glass right on to his face. "Cholo, my balls!" answers the girl back, and runs away. Ivo is completely baffled. From then on, Ivo and Milagros will begin to live the most amazing and enticing love story. Milagros arrives to the mansion and their lives will get entangled in a series of agreements and disagreements, of stolen kisses and disappointments, a love story but a very different one though since Cholo is not the usual type of girl Ivo is used to dealing with. Milagros will discover she loves his stolen kisses and will eventually fall in love with him. But she will pay too dear for her discovery as for the rest of the coming events. She will also discover she is not an orphan and that her father is very close to her, far closer than expected. Written by Telefe International

Many years ago,Millagros's mother Rosario,left her in a monastery.In fact she came to that monastery,but while she was giving a birth to Milly,she got sick and died!But now Milly was 18 years old,and she had to leave the monastery.She grew up with Father Manuel and many guys in monastery,so she was just acting like guys!I mean,she was playing football,she was selling her drinks everywhere,she was speaking,and walking like guys and her clothing style was like a guy's too!So these were the proofs of her "CHOLITO" condition and behavior! well,It was completely her choice.I mean,a girl with a red cap on her head and jean pants (which are really old and dirty)...And everyone knew her with her good football stile in monastery and all other children in monastery loved her so much. Everyone in the monastery was calling her as "Carlitos" or "Cholito".Well,she obviously had an interesting personality like a guy! So,when the time comes Milagros leaves from the monastery and to find a job and work,Father Manuel helps her.And our story begins here!Father Manuel finds a job for Milagros at DiCarlo's (her boss) house as a cleaner and something.So,now she has two different lives,maidservant Milagros and footballer Cholito (Carlitos).So then,she meets with the son of the house (DiCarlo's son) Ivo and they fall in love with each other...(hum,but first Milly,because Ivo was just playing with her at first to have a night with her.You know what "night" means!) This love is just a game at first maybe,but Milly is really beautiful and Ivo is really handsome.Although for a long time later they really fall in love,everyone refuses their love and they don't let them be together!Because it seems like a big scandal..."Big Ivo Di Carlo is in love with a maidservant in their home!",what a big scandal for them!!!
Written by Elwren Pin It

3 comentarii:

  1. pana si tata s-a uitat la acea telenovea pana sa devina asta si la betty cea urarata varianta originala

  2. este pe acasa gold dela 16 si reluare 22.s-a ajuns la episodul 12 cred

  3. Stiu ca e.. l-am prins intr-o seara butonand TV-ul dar parca nu mai am rabdare sa ma uit.
